
Zakir Naik utestengt fra Storbritannia

Innenriksministeren i den nye regjeringen i Storbritannia har nektet den indiske islamisten Zakir Naik innreise til Storbritannia. Dette er den samme Zakir Naik som fremstår som en hovedideolog for Islam Net, og som både PSS og MSS har promotert.

Rita Karlsen, HRS

Innriksminister Theresa May markerer seg tidlig som en handlingsorientert minister. Hun har ingen planer om å overse eller godta at det oppfordres til terrorhandlinger på britisk jord. Ifølge Telegraph har hun lukket Storbritannia for den indiske islamisten Zakir Naik.

In her first major test of being tough on extremism, Theresa May, the new Home Secretary, said she was banning Zakir Naik from entering the UK.

Dr Naik, a 44-year-old Indian televangelist, had been due to give a series of lectures at arenas in Wembley Arena and Sheffield.

Innenriksministeren har myndighet til å nekte innreise eller deportere enkeltpersoner hvis det er mistanke om at vedkommende tilstedeværelse i Storbritannia ikke er til det gode for offentligheten. May sier hun har nektet Naik innreise på grunn av alle ”hans kommentarer” som er et bevis på hans uakseptable atferd.

This behaviour applies to anyone who writes or publishes material which can “foment justify or glorify terrorist violence” or “seek to provoke others to terrorist acts”.

Mrs May told The Daily Telegraph: “I have excluded Dr Naik from the UK. Numerous comments made by Dr Naik are evidence to me of his unacceptable behaviour.

“Coming to the UK is a privilege not a right and I am not wiling to allow those who might not be conducive to the public good to enter the UK.

“Exclusion powers are very serious and no decision is taken lightly or as a method of stopping open debate on issues.”

Home Office sources said Dr Naik had been filmed on a website making inflammatory comments such as “every Muslim should be a terrorist”.

He said: “When a robber sees a policeman he’s terrified. So for a robber, a policeman is a terrorist. So in this context, every Muslim should be a terrorist to the robber.”

He has also been filmed saying: “There are many Jews who are good to Muslims, but as a whole … The Koran tells us, as a whole, they will be our staunchest enemy.”

In a web posting from 2006 he said: “Beware of Muslims saying Osama Bin Laden is right or wrong. I reject them … we don’t know.

“But if you ask my view, if given the truth, if he is fighting the enemies of Islam, I am for him. I don’t know what he’s doing. I’m not in touch with him. I don’t know him personally. I read the newspaper.

“If he is terrorising the terrorists, if he is terrorising America the terrorist, the biggest terrorist, every Muslim should be a terrorist.”

He is also reported to have said suggested that western women make themselves “more susceptible to rape” by wearing revealing clothing.

He reportedly said: “Western society has actually degraded [women] to the status of concubines, mistresses and social butterflies, who are mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketeers”

Utestengelsen er blitt godt mottatt i Storbritannia. Parlamentsmedlem Patrick Mercer, tidligere leder for antiterrorkomiteen, sier:

– This is exactly the sort of man who we want to exclude from this country.

Dr Naik anses for å være den tredje mest populære spirituelle guruen i Inda, og ble i 2009 løftet frem som en av Indias mektigste mennesker, på en 82.plass.

Også i Norge er Naik løftet frem, og da ikke bare av Islam Net, men også av Muslimsk Studentsamfunn (MSS) og Pakistans studentsamfunn (PSS).