Krig og uroligheter

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Som en del av våpenhvileavtalen mellom Israel og Hamas skal Israel frigi et stort antall fengslede palestinske terrorister. Hvem er dette, hva slags straff soner de og hva har de gjort?

Som de fleste av våre lesere sikkert har fått med seg har Israel inngått en våpenhvileavtale med terrororganisasjonen Hamas kombinert med fangeutveksling. Den 19. januar utleverte Hamas tre gisler og den 25. januar ytterligere fire gisler.

Våpenhvileavtale er delt opp i tre faser – den første varer seks uker og i denne perioden skal Hamas utlevere 33 gisler. Den neste fasen varer til 1. mai og da skal resten av de israelske gislene som er live bli utlevert. I fase tre skal likene av døde gisler bli overlevert israelske myndigheter.

Men dette kommer ikke uten en vesentlig kostnad for Israel. For hvert gissel som frigis skal det løslates et stort antall fengslede palestinske terrorister – 30 for hvert sivile gissel, 50 for hvert militære gissel.

Hva slags folk dette er, og hvilke dommer de soner, er ikke noe de norske, liberale hovedstadsmediene interessant å informere til det norske folk om. Derfor gjør vi det.

Hva slags folk er det som løslates?

Våre venner i Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) har full oversikt over hvem som nå blir løslatt og fraktet tilbake til de områder i det ikke-eksisterende landet Palestina som de kommer fra. Da vi regner med at de fleste av våre lesere kan engelsk oversetter vi ikke listen som inneholder navn, dommens lengde og hva de er dømt for – totalt 80 navn.

Wael Qassem – Serving 35 life sentences. Led a cell responsible for three suicide bombing attacks in 2002—Café Moment, the Hebrew University cafeteria, and the Sheffield Club, murdering 35 in total.

Ammar Al-Ziben – Serving 32 life sentences. Hamas. Planned several suicide bombings, including the double suicide bombing at the Mahane Yehuda outdoor market in 1997, murdering 16.

Majdi Za’atri – Serving 23 life sentences. Hamas. Planned and assisted a suicide bombing in 2003—drove a suicide bomber to a bus stop in Jerusalem where the bomber boarded the #2 bus and blew himself up, murdering 23, including children and babies.

Ahmad Salah – Serving 21 life sentences. Involved in two Jerusalem suicide bus bombings in 2004, murdering 19 people and injuring over 100.

Sami Jaradat – Serving 21 life sentences. Head of Islamic Jihad in the Jenin district. Planned several attacks, including the 2003 suicide bombing at the Maxim restaurant in Haifa where 21 people were murdered and over 50 were injured.

Fahmi Mashahreh – Serving 20 life sentences. Aided and instructed suicide bomber Muhammad Al-Ghoul, who murdered 19 and wounded 74 on a Jerusalem bus in 2002.

Shadi Ibrahim Ammouri – Serving 17 life sentences. Islamic Jihad. Prepared the bomb for the 2002 Megiddo Junction bombing in which 17 were murdered and 43 were wounded on the #830 bus from Tel Aviv to Tiberias.

Salim Hijja – Serving 16 life sentences. Assisted a suicide bomber in blowing up a bus in Haifa in 2001, murdering 15 and injuring 40.

Mansour Shreim – Serving 14 life sentences. Participated in the murder of an Israeli soldier near Kibbutz Metzer in 2001. Sent terrorists to carry out attacks, including an attack at a Bat Mitzvah celebration in Hadera in 2002, where 6 were murdered and over 30 were injured, and an attack in the town of Itamar in 2002, where 3 teenagers were murdered.

Muhammad Naifeh ‘Abu Rabia’ – Serving 13 life sentences. Tanzim. Involved in the murder of 5 Israelis at Kibbutz Metzer in 2002, 3 Israelis in Hermesh in 2002, and 5 others in various shooting attacks in 2001.

Ahmed Barghouti – Serving 13 life sentences. Commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in the Ramallah region. Dispatched terrorists to lethal attacks in 2002. Sent terrorists to shooting attacks in which 12 people were murdered.

Ahmed Abu Khader – Serving 11 life sentences. Palestinian terrorist and former member of the PA Security Forces, Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and Tanzim. Trained terrorists for suicide missions, carried out shooting attacks, and transported terrorists who committed lethal attacks.

Mar’i Abu Sa’ida – Serving 11 life sentences. Hamas. Member of cell responsible for several terror attacks, including a suicide bombing at the Tzrifin bus stop (9 murdered, 14 wounded, 2003), a suicide bombing at Café Hillel in Jerusalem (7 murdered, over 50 wounded, 2003) and a bombing at a bus stop in Tel Aviv (1 murdered, 24 wounded, 2004).

Izz Al-Din Khaled Hamamrah – Serving 9 life sentences. Tanzim. Recruited suicide bomber Muhammad Za’oul, who blew up the #14 bus in Jerusalem in 2004, murdering 8 and injuring dozens. Also perpetrated shooting attacks in the Bethlehem area.

Osama Al-Ashqar – Serving 8 life sentences. Tanzim. Organized two attacks resulting in the deaths of 8 Israelis in 2002 besides carrying out dozens of shooting attacks in the Tulkarem area.

Samer Al-Atrash – Serving 8 life sentences. Assisted a suicide bomber in blowing up a bus in the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem in 2003, murdering 7.

Ahmad Obeid – Serving 7 life sentences. Hamas member from East Jerusalem. Together with Nael Obeid, he planned the Café Hillel suicide bombing in Jerusalem in 2003, where 7 people were murdered, and he brought the terrorist to the attack site.

Taleb Ali Taleb Amr – Serving 7 life sentences. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. Provided the explosives to a suicide bomber who murdered 6 and wounded more than 80 at Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda outdoor market in 2002.

Muayyad Hammad – Serving 7 life sentences. Ambushed Israeli soldiers near Ramallah, killing 3.

Amjad Takatka – Serving 6 life sentences. Played a role in a suicide bombing at Jerusalem’s outdoor market where 6 were murdered and more than 80 were wounded in 2002.

Ashraf Zgheir – Serving 6 life sentences. Drove a suicide bomber to Tel Aviv’s Allenby Street in 2002, where 6 people were killed and 84 were wounded, in addition to playing roles in other attempted bombings.

Bakr Al-Najjar – Serving 6 life sentences. Tanzim. Was involved in two deadly shooting attacks in 2002.

Hatem Al-Jayousi – Serving 6 life sentences. Provided the car used to perpetrate the 2002 Hadera Bat Mitzvah attack, in which 6 Israelis were murdered and dozens of others were wounded.

Ibrahim Sarahneh – Serving 6 life sentences. Israeli Arab who drove suicide bombers in 2002 to carry out three different attacks in Israel in which five were murdered.

Iyad Masalmeh – Serving 4 life sentences. Hamas. Sent and directed Ahmed Masalmeh and Ali Asafra in 2002 to infiltrate Karmei Tzur near Hebron, where they shot and murdered Eyal Sorek, his pregnant wife Yael, and Shalom Mordechai, and wounded five others.

Yusuf Al-Skafi – Serving 4 life sentences. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. Recruited suicide bombers.

Othman Younes – Serving 4 life sentences. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. Sent Habash Hanani to murder 3 Israeli students and injure 2 others in the town of Itamar in 2002. Was also involved in other shooting and bombing attacks.

Ali Suleiman Al-Sa’adi – Serving 4 life sentences. Islamic Jihad. Organized an attack at Afula’s central bus station in 2001 that killed Michal Mor and Noam Gozovsky and wounded 50 others. Organized several suicide bombings, including the attack at the Wall Street Café in Kiryat Motzkin in 2001.

Nasser Al-Shawish – Serving 4 life sentences. Responsible for 3 suicide bombings.

Husam Abd Al-Qader Halabi – Serving 3 life sentences. Member of Yasser Arafat’s Presidential Guard. Planned and provided the arms for the attack in which Avi and Avital Wolanski were shot and murdered and their three-year-old son was wounded in 2002.

Nasser Al-Shawish – Serving 4 life sentences. Responsible for 3 suicide bombings.

Bilal Ghanem – Serving 3 life sentences. Shot and stabbed passengers on a bus in Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, murdering Israelis Chaim Haviv (78), Alon Govberg (51), and Richard Lakin (76), and wounding 3 Israelis.

Yasser Abu Bakr – Serving 3 life sentences. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. Directed an attack in Netanya in 2002 where Israel Yihye and 9-month-old Avia Malka were murdered. Also responsible for the killing of Border Policeman Constantine Danilov.

Mahmoud Abu Wahdan – Serving 3 life sentences. PFLP. Planned suicide bombings during the PA terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005).

Muhammad Khamis Brash – Serving 3 life sentences. Shot and killed Elad Wallenstein, Amit Zaneh, and Sarah Lisha in 2000.

Akram Othman Hamed and Rafat Othman Hamed – Both serving 3 life sentences. Members of the PA Security Forces members and of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. Shot Israeli civilians and soldiers, murdering Assaf Hershkovitz and Idit Mizrachi in 2001. Also murdered a Palestinian they suspected of aiding Israel during the PA terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005).

Murad Nazmi Al-Ajlouni – Serving 3 life sentences. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. Together with Mazen Al-Qadi, he used his status as an Israeli Arab to freely drive Ibrahim Hassouneh to carry out an attack in which 3 Israelis were murdered and 15 were wounded.

Mazen Al-Qadi – Serving 3 life sentences. Drove Ibrahim Hassouneh to Tel Aviv in 2002 to carry out an attack on two restaurants—Seafood Market and Mifgash Hasteak—murdering 3 and wounding 15.

Ali Sa’ada and Wael Al-Arja – Each serving 2 life sentences. Murdered Asher Palmer and his baby son, Yonatan, near the Israeli town of Kiryat Arba in 2011.

Ammar Abu Ghallous and Sajed Abu Ghallous – Both are serving 2 life sentences. Fatah. In 2003, Sajed shot and murdered Israeli civilian David Mordechai and paralyzed his son Menachem, while Ammar stood guard. In 2004, Ammar drove Sajed to an attack in which Sajed shot and murdered Israeli Arab Christian George Khoury, mistaking him for a Jew as he was jogging in Jerusalem.

Yusuf Ata Dhiab Hamdan – Serving 2 life sentences. Drove the suicide bomber who murdered Avner Mordechai in his convenience store near Beit Shean in 2003. Drove 2 other suicide bombers who blew themselves up resulting in the murder of Yehezkel Yekutiel and Erez Hershkowitz as well as the injury of 11 others.

Kifah Hattab – Serving 2 life sentences. PA Security Forces member and head of a Tanzim cell that murdered Rabbi Aharon Ovadian in Baqa Al-Gharbiya in northern Israel in 2001. Hattab was also involved in the murder of a Palestinian suspected of aiding Israel.

Sa’id Musa Shtayyeh – Serving 2 life sentences. Fatah. Provided the arms to the terrorists who murdered Mordechai and Shlomo Odesser in 2002.

Hassan Rateb Aweis – Serving 2 life sentences. Murdered 2 people in a shooting attack at the Afula central bus station in 2001.

Zaid Bassisi – Serving a life sentence. Islamic Jihad. Planned a car bombing outside a Netanya school in which 8 were wounded in 2001.

Zaid Younes – Serving a life sentence. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. Drove a suicide bomber to Tel Aviv resulting in the injury of 25 people in 2002 and assisted a terrorist murderer to escape prison.

Hafez Sharai’ah – Serving a life sentence. Member of the PA intelligence service and the Tanzim. Was one of the murderers of Israeli police superintendent Moshe Dayan in the Judean Desert in 2002. Also was one of 39 wanted terrorists who took over the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in April 2002, using dozens of hostages and the religious site as shields.

Ayman Ibrahim Al-Awawdeh – Serving a life sentence. Member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades and PA military intelligence. Murdered 1 and committed shooting attacks against Israelis during the PA terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005).

As’ad Zo’rob – Serving a life sentence. Shot and murdered his Israeli employer, Nissan Dolinger, while traveling together with Dolinger in his car in 2002.

Jad Maalah – Serving a life sentence. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades. Carried out attacks during the PA terror campaign (the second Intifada, 2000-2005).

Jawad Jawarish – Serving a life sentence for the murder of Devorah Friedman in 2002.

Hani Khamaiseh – Serving a life sentence for the murder of Stanislav Sandomirsky in 2001.

Wael Al-Jaghoub – Serving a life sentence. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) leader who carried out terror attacks.

Khalil Sarahneh – Serving a life sentence. Israeli Arab who drove a suicide bomber to Jerusalem in 2002 resulting in the killing of Israeli police officer Tomer Mordechai.

Yusuf Kmeil and Muhammad Abu Al-Rub – Each serving a life sentence. Stabbed and murdered 70-year-old Reuven Shmerling in a warehouse in the Israeli Arab city of Kafr Qassem, east of Tel Aviv, in 2017.

Mudar Abu Daya and Musa Ekhleil – Serving a life sentence each. Stabbed and murdered Erez Levanon as he was praying in a forest near Bat Ayin, southwest of Bethlehem in 2007.

Musa Sarahneh – Serving a life sentence. Drove a suicide bomber to carry out an attack in which 2 were murdered and 28 were wounded in Jerusalem in 2002.

Muhammad Al-Tous – Serving a life sentence. Fatah. Commanded terrorist cell that attacked 5 civilian buses in 1985, wounding 16 passengers. Also directed the murder of Zalman Abolnik in 1984 as well as Meir Ben Yair and Michal Cohen in 1985. Helped murder Mordechai Suissa and Edna Harari in 1985.

Muhammad Falana – Serving a life sentence. Planted a bomb near the town of Dolev in 1992, murdering 1 and injuring 6.

Nael Barghouti – Serving a life sentence. Stabbed and murdered Israeli bus driver Mordechai Yekuel in 1978.

Nael Yassin – Serving a life sentence. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades and PA policeman. Shot and murdered Israeli border policeman Yosef Tabjeh and injured another while they were on a joint Israeli-PA patrol near Qalqilya in 2000. (Note: As part of the «peace process» prior to the PA terror war launched in Sept 2000, Israel and the PA would do joint security patrols.) Afterwards, he was involved in dozens of shootings and bombings until he was arrested.

Samir Yasser Ghaith – Serving a life sentence. Led a group of terrorists in murdering 25-year-old law student Moran Amit at the Armon Hanatziv Promenade in Jerusalem in 2002 as well as other attacks.

Ammar Mardi – Serving one life sentence. Kidnapped and murdered Yuri Gushchin from the Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood of Jerusalem in 2001.

Abd Al-Majid Mahdi – Serving a life sentence. Fatah. Shot and murdered his Israeli employer, Gadi Rejwan, in the Atarot neighborhood of Jerusalem in 2002.

Othman Abu Khurj – Serving a life sentence. Murdered 16-year-old Aliza Malka and injured 3 other teens in a drive-by shooting near Kibbutz Merav in 2001.

Alaa Ahmad Abd Al-Mun’im Salah – Serving a life sentence. Murdered Yossi Zandani in 1994 and was recruited to murder an Israeli citizen and use his body as a hostage to release imprisoned terrorists, as is happening today.

Iyad Hreibat – Serving a life sentence.

Ayham Sabah – A murderer serving only a 35-year sentence. (He was a minor when he murdered). Stabbed and murdered Tuvia Yanai Weissman in 2016 at a supermarket.

Israels tidligere erfaringer

Dette er som nevnt bare 80 av dem. Hvor mange som totalt vil bli løslatt fra israelske fengsler er ikke klart fordi det avhenger av hvor mange gisler som er i live og blir løslatt, og fordelingen mellom sivile og militære gisler.

Noe spesielt er at de tre kvinnelige gislene som ble satt fri den 19. januar ifølge bilder i mediene så relativt smilende og uskadde ut. Grunnen til det, og at de var lette for Hamas å få tak i, kan være det som er offentliggjort av menneskerettsadvokaten Hillel Neuer, som på X opplyser at de hadde blitt holdt fanget i UNRWA’s lokaler.

Hostages were held in UNRWA compounds. Three Israeli women held hostage by Hamas in Gaza for 471 days reported they were held captive part of the time in UN shelters. How we do know it was UNRWA? Because UNRWA told us. They boasted about it: «UNRWA runs all UN shelters».

Om vår utenriksminister, som er persona non grata i Israel, velger å problematisere dette er lite trolig. I stedet holdes det norske folk lykkelig uvitende om UNRWAs rolle i gisseltakingen og at Norges bidrag til UNRWA når nye høyder.

At Israel for noen måneder siden erklærte UNRWA som en terrororganisasjon og forbød dem å drive virksomhet i Israel inklusive Vestbredden og Gaza var kanskje ikke helt uten grunn.

Israel vet veldig godt at å løslate et antall på 1.500 – 2.000 terrorister fra israelske fengsler garantert vil føre til mer terror. Da den israelske soldaten Gilad Shalit etter fire år i palestinsk fangenskap i 2011 ble utvekslet mot 1.024 palestinske terrorister, fortsatte ifølge PMW 82 prosent av disse med terrorvirksomhet. Det er derfor lett å forstå motstanden i den israelske regjering om å inngå en våpenhvileavtale med disse vilkårene.


Israel vil alltid strekke seg veldig langt for å redde livet til israelere som er tatt til fange. Det inkluderer å bringe døde gisler hjem til de etterlatte slik at de kan få en grav å gå til.

Men man må også forstå det dilemmaet Israel er i. Å løslate et så stort antall fengslede terrorister vil med sikkerhet koste israelske liv fordi de frigitte terroristene garantert vil fortsette sin terrorvirksomhet. Valget står derfor mellom å redde gislenes liv og i stedet akseptere at et ukjent antall israelere i fremtiden vil bli drept av de frigitte terroristene. Alternativet er å fortsette krigføringen i Gaza inntil Hamas er totalt eliminert og alle gisler er funnet.

Først da utsendinger fra president Trump la betydelig press på Israel ga statsminister Netanyahu etter og aksepterte avtalen dagen før presidentinnsettelsen.

Konsekvensene av våpenhvileavtalen mellom Israel og Hamas, der Israel har måttet forplikte seg til å løslate et stort antall terrorister fra fengsel, kan vi ikke se er omtalt av norske medier. Hos oss er man vesentlig mer opptatt av å fordømme president Trump som løslot og benådet de 1.500 som trengte seg inn i Capitol den 7. januar 2021, til tross for at alle hadde sittet fengslet mellom tre og fire år. Hvis vi legger norsk straffenivå til grunn, ville ingen av dem ha måttet sone så lenge for tilsvarende forhold.

Bare for å ta et ikke ulikt eksempel – Fosenaktivistene som i oktober 2023 okkuperte Olje- og Energidepartementets lokaler ble frifunnet i tingretten og nylig også frifunnet i lagmannsretten. Dommen er ikke rettskraftig og kan derfor ankes til Høyesterett.

Det som er litt underlig med våpenhvileavtalen er at Israel aksepterte å trekke seg ut fra den såkalte «Philadelpia-korridoren», en bred kjørevei som Israel har ryddet langs Gazas grense mot Egypt. Det var her det ble oppdaget et utall tuneller som ble brukt til å frakte alt mulig inn til Gaza, selvsagt også våpen. Vi må gå ut fra at Israel har rukket å ødelegge eller fylle med sjøvann alle kjente tuneller, og at det vil bli hold svært god kontroll fra luften med droner for å sjekke om det blir ny aktivitet i området. Når alle gisler er frigitt er det nesten garantert at Israel på nytt vil gå inn syd på Gazastripen for å okkupere denne korridoren.

Det er bare å erkjenne det – så lenge Hamas styrer i Gaza vil det aldri bli fred.