Terrorisme og ekstremisme

Historisk: Tre kvinner tiltalt for planlagt terror

En burkakledd mor og datter i nikab er tiltalt for å ha planlagt terrorangrep på de britiske øyene sammen med en tredje kvinne i hijab. Dette er første gangen vi ser en sak rettssak om terror i Europa der samtlige tiltalte er kvinner. Datteren til kvinnen i burka på 21 år, ble skutt under arrestasjonen, for så å bli arrestert etter et tre dagers sykehusopphold. Kvinnene planla knivangrep.

Mor og datter ble bedt om å fjerne ansiktsslørene da retten åpnet for å identifisere seg. Deretter var sløret på plass igjen.

Burka, nikab og hijab i retten for planlagt terror. En historisk sak. Kun kvinner skal være innblandet, i henhold til tiltalen.

Også syv andre kvinner, den yngste 18 år, ble arrestert da politiet gikk til aksjon, men alle disse ble senere løslatt, melder Daily Mail.

A mother and daughter have appeared in court charged over Britain’s first all-woman alleged terror plot.

Mina Dich, 43, and her daughter Rizlaine Boular, 21, are charged along with Khawla Barghouthi, 20, over an alleged plan to carry out a knife attack in Westminster.

Both Boular and Dich wore burkas and lifted their veils to show their eyes when requested to do so by chief magistrate Emma Arbuthnot today, while Barghouthi wore a hijab.

The three women appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court flanked by three policewomen and three suited officials.

Elite armed officers swooped on Barghouthi’s home in Willesden, north west London, on April 27, where they arrested her and shot Boular.

Boular, of central London, was arrested three days later at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington when she was discharged.

Boular’s mother, Dich, of south-west London, was arrested in Kent on the day of the raid in the capital.

The three women are accused of conspiring together to murder ‘a person or persons unknown’ between April 11 and April 28 2017.

Boular is also charged with engaging in conduct in preparation for terrorist acts between the same dates, while Dich and Barghouthi are charged with intending to assist her.

The trio were remanded in custody to appear at the Old Bailey on May 19.

Sources said last night that they believed it was the first time that a mother and daughter had been charged with terrorist offences.

It would also be the first time that police have foiled an alleged all-female terrorist plot in the UK.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission, the police watchdog, is now investigating why officers shot Boular.

She was initially taken to hospital and was arrested three days later when she was discharged after receiving treatment for the gunshot wound.

A number of men living at the address were also arrested, including a 21-year-old teacher.

Police arrested a total of seven women – the youngest was 18 – and three brothers aged 28, 21 and 16. But they released all of them without further charge, apart from the three women.