Ufrivillige ekteskap

Et nyttig triks

Jenter som skal til foreldrenes opprinnelsesland på ”ferie”, og som frykter tvangsekteskap, anbefales å putte en skje eller metallgjenstand i trusa for å bli stoppet i sikkerhetskontrollen på flyplassen. Trikset anbefales som en siste utvei for dem som ikke har klart å be om hjelp før avreisen. Sikkerhetspersonell på flyplassen vil da ta dem til side og på tomannshånd har jenta en god mulighet til å be myndighetene om hjelp.

Vi har ikke hørt om dette trikset, som en hjelpeorganisasjon i England anbefaler som ”trygt”, trygt i den forstand at det er så godt som umulig for familien å forstå der og da hva som er i ferd med å skje når jentas tas til side og videre til en personlig kontroll. Vår umiddelbare reaksjon er at trikset virker både smart og, ja, nettopp trygt. En siste nødhavn før det er få sjanser for å få hjelp i familiens opprinnelsesland.

Teenage girls who fear they are being taken abroad to enter into a forced marriage are using a simple trick to escape: hiding a spoon or any other metal object in their underwear to set off the metal detector at the airport and avoid the flight at the last minute.

A charity has said it knows of many girls who have escaped what they fear awaits them in their family’s old homeland, by using the ruse to be separated from their parents.

The revelation follows a Government warning to teachers, doctors and airport staff to be alert to the problem that school age girls who are seemingly being taken abroad on holiday may actually be on their way to a life of enforced servitude.

Forced marriages are particularly common during the summer holiday break, when there is a minimal chance of a child’s absence being noticed. The Foreign Office’s Forced Marriage Unit received 400 reports in the three months up to the end of August last year, though it is feared that many more cases go unreported. More than a third of those affected are under 16.

Karma Nirvana, a Derby-based charity which runs a helpline for victims of forced marriages, has been encouraging desperate teenagers to try the spoon trick. Its founder, Jasvinder Sanghera, was disowned by her Sikh family at the age of 16 after she refused to marry a man in India. She set up the charity in 1993, when she was 27.

The charity takes about 600 calls a month. “When youngsters ring, if they don’t know exactly when it may happen, or if it’s going to happen, we advise them to put a spoon in their underwear,” charity spokesman, Natasha Rattu, said.

She added: “When they go through security, it will highlight this object in a private area and, if 16 or over, they will be taken to a safe space where they have that one last opportunity to disclose they’re being forced to marry.

“We’ve had people ring and say that it’s helped them and got them out of a dangerous situation. It’s an incredibly difficult thing to do with your family around you – but they won’t be aware you have done it. It’s a safe way.”