Forskjellsbehandling og diskriminering

Riv kirkene

Konvertitten fra islam til kristendommen,Sabatina James, sitt utsagn om at Europa ikke bør tillate at det reises en eneste moské på kontinentet før man får bygge kirker i Kabul, (eller Saudi-Arabia, for den saks skyld), har vitterlig noe for seg. Nå tar den øverste religiøse leder i Saudi-Arabia til orde for at enhver kirke på den arabiske halvøya skal rives.

Uttalelsen til Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah er ordrett denne: Det er “nødvendig å ødelegge alle kirker i regionen. Det skal ikke være to religioner på den (arabiske) halvøya”.

Uttalelsen var en respons og oppbakking av et parlamentsmedlem fra Kuwait som vil rasere kirkene i Kuwait.

Den pakistanskøsteriske konvertitten Sabatina James, nå i skjul i Tyskland, sa i København i forrige måned, at hadde hun vært Angela Merkel hadde hun satt foten ned for flere moskeer i Europa, dette for å presse den islamsdominerte verden, eksemplifisert med Kabul, til å tillate at kirker bygges, som unektelig har noe for seg.

A Saudi Islamic leader has drawn sharp condemnation from religious figures after he said that all churches in the Arabian Peninsula should be destroyed.

CBN News reports that Saudi Arabia’s highest Islamic authority, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah, made the inflammatory comments in response to a question from a Kuwaiti delegation which asked about a Kuwaiti parliamentarian’s call to get rid of all churches there.

Abdullah said it is «necessary to destroy all the churches in the region. There are not to be two religions in the [Arabian] Peninsula.»

Abdullah T. Antepli, a Muslim chaplain at Duke University, harshly criticized Abdullah’s statements, in an email to The Huffington Post.

«Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah should be condemned and protested for his very unfortunate and un-Islamic statement about the Christian communities in Arabian Peninsula,» Antepli said. «This is clearly violation of Islamic Law, Islamic morals and ethics.»

Antepli said Christians in the region should take legal action against the Saudi religious leader.

«I highly encourage Christian communities in the area to press charges against him both in Sharia courts and regular courts on the basis of violating the rights of religious minorities,» he said. «Saudi society deserves a better grand mufti. This is a clear example of how highest religious authorities have become puppets and clowns in the hands of ruling tyrants in the Muslim world.»

Abdullah’s words also drew a stinging reaction from European bishops.

«It would be a slap in the face to these people if the few churches available to them were to be taken away,» Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, chairman of the German Bishops Conference told Reuters.