Forskjellsbehandling og diskriminering

Tok livet sitt etter mobbing

En ni år gammel britisk gutt ble trakassert av elever med asiatisk opphav og tok til slutt livet sitt. Ved denne skolen i Birmingham, en by med høy andel personer fra Pakistan og Bangladesh, har 75 prosent av elevene ikke-britisk bakgrunn. Og hva svarte rektor de fortvilte foreldrene når de ba om hjelp til å stoppe mobbingen? ”Dere valgte selv denne skolen.”

Aaron Dugmore hengte seg på soverommet sitt,   og er en av Storbritannias yngste som har begått selvmord. Foreldrene er ikke i tvil om hva som ligger bak: mobbing grunnet Aarons etniske opphav. Aaron fortalte selv til foreldrene om alvorlige hendelser, som at en elev skal ha truet han med en plastkniv og at neste gang ”er det en ekte kniv”, samt at en elev skal ha sagt til Aaron: ”Min far har sagt at alle hvite skulle vært døde.”

Foreldrene ba skoleledelsen om hjelp men mener ingenting ble gjort for å stoppe mobbingen. Politiet etterforsker nå selvmordet, som skjedde for to uker siden.

Aaron Dugmore — thought to be one of Britain’s youngest suicides after bullying — was found in his bedroom after months of jibes at school, they claim.

His family say that Aaron was threatened with a plastic knife by one Asian pupil — who warned him: “Next time it will be a real one.”

But despite complaints to the school, where 75 per cent of pupils come from ethnic backgrounds, they claim nothing was done to stop the bullying.

Heartbroken mum Kelly-Marie Dugmore is convinced the taunts led to her son killing himself two weeks ago. She sobbed: “We are not racist people. Aaron got on with all the children at his last school, and for him to have been bullied because of the colour of his skin makes me feel sick to my stomach.”

Aaron joined Erdington Hall primary in Birmingham last September after the family moved nearby. But Kelly-Marie, 30, and stepdad Paul Jones, 43, noticed a change in him from his first day.

Paul said: “He became argumentative with his brothers and sisters, which wasn’t like him at all. Eventually he told us that he was being bullied by a group of Asian children at school and had to hide from them in the playground at lunchtime. He said one kid even said to him, ‘My dad says all the white people should be dead’.”

 “I went to see head Martin Collin a few times, but he only said, ‘You didn’t have to come to this school, you chose to come here’.”

A spokesman for Erdington Hall, labelled unsatisfactory by Ofsted, said Aaron had “settled in quickly”. West Midlands Police are investigating the causes of Aaron’s death.