Vold og overgrep

Iman fengslet for seksuelle overgrep

En imam i Storbritannia er dømt til et års fengsel for seksuelle overgrep mot barn. Den 42 år gamle imamen, som kom til de britiske øyene fra Bangladesh i 2004, forgrep seg på barna da han underviste dem om koranen.

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Saken ble avslørt da et av de misbrukte barna betrodde seg til en lærer. Imamen ble dømt for syv overgrep som skal ha skjedd over en periode på 12 måneder, melder BBC.

An Imam from Northampton shire who sexually assaulted two children he was teaching about the Koran has been jailed for 12 months.

Abdul Matin, 41, of Albert Road, Wellingborough, was previously convicted of abusing two youngsters under the age of 13.

He was put on the sex offenders register and banned from working with children, both for 10 years.

Matin, who was sentenced at Derby Crown Court, was found guilty in July.

Invented allegations

He was convicted of seven sexual assaults over 12 months from January 2007.

During his trial, Northampton Crown Court heard that Matin had touched the children sexually, kissed them, and forced one of them on to his lap.

Police were first alerted to the case after one of the children told a school teacher about the classes.

Matin, who came to Britain from Bangladesh in 2004, had constantly denied the claims and said the children had invented the allegations.

Rebecca Herbert, prosecuting, told Matin: «You thought you would be completely above suspicion, you thought you could get away with it, get away with touching these [children].»