Integrering og integreringspolitikk

Radikal moské åpner skole for barn

I 2008 fanget Channel 4 lærde på tape i en moské i Birmingham som spredde hat mot homoseksuelle og ikke-muslimer. Nå åpner samme moské privatskole for unge i alderen 11 til 16 år. Elevene skal lære koranen utenat og de skal kles i tradisjonelle pakistanske skoleuniformer. Førstespråket på skolen skal være arabisk.

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Storbritannia er et av landene i Europa som sliter mest med integreringen. Myndighetene gjør det mildt sagt ikke lettere for seg selv ved å tillate private religiøse skoler, som den som skal åpnes i september i år i Birmingham. At media har dokumentert hatideologi ved samme moské, er tydeligvis ingen hindirng, melder Daily Mail

A mosque where clerics were filmed allegedly preaching hate against homosexuals and non-Muslims is opening a fee-paying school.

Pupils will be expected to memorise the Koran and wear traditional Pakistani uniforms when it opens in Birmingham this September, with fees of £3,500 a year.

Arabic will be the ‘key language’ taught to the annual intake of 20 students, aged 11 to 16, at Green Lane Masjid Independent Boys School.

Pupils will also follow the national GCSE curriculum in traditional subjects such as the sciences and geography.

Its refurbished £1.5million two-storey building is next to the main mosque in Small Heath.

In 2008 a Channel 4 TV documentary, titled Undercover Mosque, showed secret footage of Islamic scholars at Green Lane Masjid allegedly peddling hate against homosexuals and non-Muslims.

West Midlands Police reported C4 to regulator Ofcom for misrepresenting the preachers, but the complaint was rejected and the force later made an apology.

Mosque spokesman Ifaan Raza said: ‘We will be treating the students as young adults and expose them to a variety of opinions, and it is up to them to make up their own minds as to what is right or wrong in the eyes of Islam.’

The school would welcome applications from children of different faiths, he added.