Vold og overgrep

Nok en rystende overgrepssak

11 menn sitter på tiltalebenken i Liverpool for seksuelle overgrep mot jentebarn. De er tiltalt for voldtekter og trafficking. I går fikk retten høre rystende vitnemål fra et av ofrene, ei 15 år gammel jente, som blant annet beskriver hvordan hun ble voldtatt gjentatte ganger av en 59 år gammel mann. Den yngste tiltalte er 22 år gammel. Ingen av de tiltalte erkjenner straffeskyld.

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Det anslås at tusener av jenter i Storbritannia utsettes for såkalt ”grooming”, som betyr at sosialt sårbare jenter vartes opp av voksne menn, som typisk doper dem med alkohol, og jenta gjengvoldtas. I disse dager er 11 menn på tiltalebenken i Liverpool, alle med utendlansk opprinnelse, det vil si fra den muslimske verden. Det som har vært klassisk i disse groteske sakene er at pakistanske menn er sterkt overrepresentert, mens ofrene stort sett er britiske jenter. Hadde bildet vært motsatt, at grupper med britiske menn systematisk voldtok muslimske jenter, ville det ført til nasjonalt opprør?

Jenta som vitnet i saken i går fortalte at hun ble skjenket og deretter turnert rundt som et sexleketøy.

A court yesterday heard harrowing testimony from a 15-year-old girl who was repeatedly plied with alcohol before being passed around a group of men to be used for sex.

The teenager was driven to houses where she was forced to have sex with various men and was later paid money to keep quiet.

Yesterday a jury was played a video of a police interview in which the girl described the first time she was plied with vodka before being raped in a room above a takeaway.

The teenager told the 59-year-old man she did not want to have sex with him, but he replied: ‘That’s the deal – I give you something and you do something for me.’

Throughout her ordeal on a bare mattress in the bedroom, the girl cried and pleaded with him to stop but her abuser told her ‘Don’t cry – I love you.’

A gang of 11 men are on trial accused of a variety of sex offences against children including rape, trafficking and sexual assault.

The girl told police she was left depressed and disgusted by her ordeal.

Overgrepene startet da jenta og en av hennes venner oppsøkte en takeaway for å spise. Personalet tok dem med på bakrommet, og en 59 år gammel mann ankom.

The jury at Liverpool Crown Court heard the man handed a bottle of vodka to the girls before inviting the 15-year-old upstairs to a room above the takeaway.

The teenager said: ‘He told me to get on the bed and told me to have sex with him. I said ‘No’ but he said ‘I have just given you vodka so it is part of the deal – I have done something for you so you have to do something for me. He pulled his pants down and I said I don’t want to do it but he just carried on.’

She said: ‘He was just saying ‘Please, please we are good friends’ I was crying while he was doing it but he just ignored me. He started saying ‘Don’t cry, I love you’ and all this.

‘Afterwards I went downstairs and he said ‘Have you been crying?’ and I said ‘Yes’. He said: ‘I love you, when can I make love to you again?’ and I said ‘Never’’

The teenager told the court the 59-year-old then raped her again and began to pass her round his friends and acquaintances.

59-åringen tilbød jentene skyss hjem etter voldtektene, som endte med nye voldtekter.

The court heard she and her friend had accepted a lift home from the man but instead of taking her back to her own house he took her to a property in Oldham.

Once there he told the girl: ‘You have to have sex with me before I take you home’ before raping her and then inviting a second man into the room.

The girl told police: ‘The other man came in and he said I have to have sex with him as well. I just let him do it because I thought I had to or I wouldn’t be able to go home.’

When she was finally allowed home the 59-year-old gave her £40 saying: ‘Don’t tell anyone – I’ll give you money, anything you want.’

The court heard that on another occasion the 59-year-old forced the schoolgirl to have sex with another man despite her pleading: ‘I am only 15.’

In a video interview she said: ‘He said it didn’t matter and I had to have sex with him as well. Then after that he gave me £20 to keep my mouth shut and he kept bringing people and making me have sex with them and then gave me money to shut up about it.

‘I said I didn’t want to do it anymore and he said: ‘You have to.’

I said: ‘You will get done for this if I tell the police’ and he said: ‘I won’t get done’ because in his country you are allowed to have sex with people from the age of 11.’

She went on to tell police about an occasion when he raped her in his car before buying her cigarettes and telling her ‘It’s the deal. Every time we have sex I’ll buy you things.’

The girl said the man told her ‘I’ll get someone to kill you’ and threatened to tell her mother if she didn’t get into the car and comply with his demands.

The rape claims came to light in 2008 when the girl was arrested following a disturbance at a takeaway but the jury was told yesterday that Greater Manchester Police did not take her allegation further and the girl fell back into the hands of abusers.

Rachel Smith, prosecuting, said: ‘Regrettably the police officers who looked into the matter didn’t take the investigation further at that stage.’

Abdul Aziz, 41, Abdul Rauf, 43, Mohammed Sajid, 35, Adil Khan, 42, Abdul Qayyum, 43, Mohammed Amin, 44, Qamar Shahzad, 29, Liaquat Shah, 41, Kabeer Hassan, 24, and Hamid Safi, 22, along with the 59-year-old man have pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The case continues.