Vold og overgrep

”Ting som gutter gjør”

Å voldta er ”ting som gutter gjør”, fikk ei jente på en videregående skole til svar da hun fortalte rektor at hun hadde blitt voldtatt av en medelev. ”Du kan levere en anmeldelse til politiet hvis du ønsker det, selv om dette ikke er en prioritert sak ettersom det ikke er begått en alvorlig forbrytelse,” skal rektor ha sagt, og føyde til dette: ”Gutter gjør slike ting, du må bli vant til det.”

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Ja, vi befinner oss på den andre siden av Kjølen, nord i Stockholm, mer presist i Tärby. Jentas mor prøvde å ta opp saken med rektor, som da skal ha replisert at hennes datter ”burde konsentrere seg om studiene”, og ”å stoppe og fokusere på trivialiteter”. Saken er nå på bordet til Likestillingsombudet, mens jenta har byttet til en skole et annet sted i landet.

Det hører med til historien at jenta skal ha blitt mobbet av andre elever og enkelte lærere da saken ble kjent. Om hendelsen har funnet sted ved en offentlig eller en privat skole, sies det ikke noe om.

A high school in Täby in northern Stockholm has been reported to the Equality Ombudsman over allegations that the principal played down rape allegations as «stuff that boys do».

After having been encouraged by a classmate, a female student went to the principal of the high school to report that she had been raped by another male student in February and March 2011.

The student reported the school to the Schools Inspectorate (Skolinspektionen), which has now forwarded the complaint to the Equality Ombudsmannen (Diskrimineringsombudsmannen – DO).

According to the complaint filed with the Schools Inspectorate, the student was told by the principal:

«You file a police report if you want, although this is not a prioritized case as no serious crime has been committed.»

The principal then told the student, who was accompanied by another member of staff at the time:

«Guys do this kind of thing, you have to get used to it.»

According to the report, when the girl’s mother called the principal to discuss her comments, the principal told her that her daughter «should concentrate on her studies» and «to stop focusing on these trivialities».

The girl eventually stopped attending school as she felt she had not received support from the teachers or the principal despite having filed a police report alleging rape and attempted rape in March 2011.

The girl alleges that from that time until the break for the summer holidays, she was subjected to periodical harassment from fellow students and some individual teachers at the school.

The girl has now changed to another school in the county.