Terrorisme og ekstremisme

1 000 potensielle terrorister

Tyskland har rundt 1 000 potensielle terrorister, sier innenriksminister Hans-Peter Friedrich. 128 av dem klassifiseres som ”farlige” og ”i stand til å utføre angrep”. Rundt 20 av disse skal ha fått opptrening hos terrorgrupper. Friedrich mener Tyskland har god kontroll på potensielle terrorister, men vedgår at den største utfordringen er dem som operere alene som Anders Behring Breivik. De er vanskelige å avdekke.

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Utspillet til Friedrich kom i forbindelse med at rettssaken mot en 21 år gammel terrorist startet i Tyskland i går. Mannen med røtter i Kosovo drepte to amerikanske soldater som var på vei til Afghanistan via Tyskland i mars.

«We have almost 1,000 people who could be described as possible Islamist terrorists,» he told the Bild daily, adding that 128 could be considered ‘dangerous» and capable of committing attacks.He said that around 20 of those had received training in camps associated with terror groups and that these individuals were under surveillance by the country’s security services.Friedrich added that he thought there was little chance of a repetition of the scale of the terror attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 that brought down the twin towers of New York’s World Trade Center.»We dispose of a wide range of modern security methods and we are investigating at the very heart of extremist networks,» he said. The al-Qaida network, blamed for the New York attacks, has been diminished by the recent death of its leader Osama bin Laden but it still represented a threat, he added.However, Friedrich estimated that the major danger was posed by individuals acting alone because they are more difficult to identify and track.He was speaking after the opening in Germany last week of the trial of a 21-year-old man from Kosovo who said he was acting alone under the influence of Islamist propaganda when he killed two US soldiers who were heading to Afghanistan by way of Germany in March.