
Blasfemitiltalte sier han angrer

Den blasfemitiltalte 17 år gamle studenten i Karachi sier han angrer. Han forklarer at han svarte blasfemisk på eksamensspørsmål fordi han ikke klarte å løse oppgaven. Han har begått en ”utilgivelig synd”, sier han. Gutten har tidligere forklart at hans verdisyn ble påvirket av to søskenbarn fra Norge som var på besøk hos hans familie sommeren 2009.

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Den 17 år gamle Syed Samiullah gikk på en privatskole i Karachi, som anmeldte han for blasfemi. Dermed endte Samiullah i fengsel. For Norge er denne saken særlig interessant, da Samiullah har nære familiebånd til Norge, og at han mener nærheten til familie i Norge ligger til grunn for hans endrede verdisyn. Begge søskenbarnene mine ertet meg og startet å overbevise meg om at de levde et fritt liv i Oslo mens jeg besøker moskeen. De fortalte meg at deres land var fritt og at ingen kunne stoppe dem fra å uttrykke seg. Gradvis startet jeg å tenke på den friheten de hadde glede av,” forklarte gutten til politiet etter arrestasjonen forrige lørdag.
I dag kommer det frem at gutten angrer, melder Tribune Han forklarer at han ikke klarte å løse eksamensoppgaver i religionsfaget Islamiat, og i frustrasjon eller sinne nedtegnet blasfemiske utsagn.

When 17-year-old Syed Samiullah couldn’t come up with answers in his Islamiat and physics examinations last year, he wrote things that have now landed him in jail for blasphemy.

On Saturday, Judicial Magistrate, Central Ehsan A Malik ordered Samiullah to be sent to the juvenile prison after the Shahrae Noor Jehan police produced him in his court and requested judicial custody. In an application to the judicial magistrate, Samiullah submitted that he had confessed to committing the “unpardonable sin”. He said he regretted his actions, and had promised that he would never commit “such a sin again”.

During investigations, Samiullah had told the investigators that he was troubled after he had discussed various issues with his cousins, who had come to stay with his family from Norway. According to Samiullah, he was so much ill at ease during the examinations that when he was unable to answer any of the questions, he committed blasphemy. “I feel ashamed and guilty and am tendering an unconditional apology.” He is a student at a private college.

The incident was reported to the police by Prof Agha Akbar, the controller of examinations of the Intermediate Board of Education, Karachi who attached copies of Samiullah’s answer sheets. One of the exams was held on April 30 last year but because of the process of verifying facts, the FIR was lodged on Friday, January 28, under Section 295 (c) (for blasphemy), one day before Samiullah’s arrest.

Hva gutten konkret har skrevet fremkommer ikke.