
Vil arrestere frafalne som misjonerer

Ground Zero-moskeprosjektet har fått ny imam. Han er raskt på banen med kompromitterende uttalelser: muslimer som faller fra islam og som misjonerer for en ny tro må fengsles. Homofile har antakelig blitt misbrukt seksuelt som barn, og de få genuine homofile som finnes – altså som ikke er misbrukt som barn – de sammenliknes med dyrenes verden. Vår medarbeider, Ibn Warraq, har tidligere påvist at forrige imam også var langt fra å være moderat.

Hege Storhaug, HRS

Jeg undres hver gang dette skjer, altså at imamer i Vesten åpent forfekter tanker og verdier som er lovstridige eller på full kollisjonskurs med våre verdier. Lever de fullstendig i sin egen boble? Kjenner de ikke samfunnet de lever i? Eller gjør de nettopp det, i den forstand at de vet at deres holdninger sjeldent får konsekvenser fra myndighetenes side, og at de har et langsiktig prosjekt – islamisering?

Forrige imam Feisal Rauf betegnet seg selv som moderat, men som Ibn Warraq påpekte i en kommentar hos har grundige undersøkelser av for eksempel skribenter som Alyssa Lappen bevist at han er alt annet enn moderat. For eksempel har Feisal Rauf uttalt til Sydney Morning Herald at terrorismen først stopper når Vesten innrømmer den skade den har påført muslimer. Han har også benektet at muslimer sto bak 9/11, og forklart at: ”Ifølge det islamske trossystemet, er det neste livet det primære livet. Det neste livet er mer reelt, mer intens og mer levende.»

Feisal Rauf har også uten omsvøp erklært følgende: «Jeg tror ikke på religionsdialog.»

Den nye imamen Abdallah Adhami har klart å skape kontroverser med sine uttalelser om frafalne og homoseksuelle.

The new imam at the Ground Zero mosque and cultural center believes people who are gay were probably abused as children and that people who leave Islam and preach a new religion should be jailed.

Abdallah Adhami’s remarks on homosexuals, religious freedom and other topics have brought renewed criticism of the proposed community center and mosque near the World Trade Center site, which purports to be an inclusive organization.

Adhami, in a lecture on the Web site of his nonprofit, Sakeenah, says being gay is a «painful trial» caused by past trauma.

«An enormously overwhelming percentage of people struggle with homosexual feeling because of some form of violent emotional or sexual abuse at some point in their life,» he says. «A small, tiny percentage of people are born with a natural inclination that they cannot explain. You find this in the animal kingdom at some level as well.»

He says gays must fight this «propensity.»

Menneskerettighetsaktivisten Fred Sainz mener uttalelsene er hatefulle og vitner om mangel på kunnskap. En jurist påpeker det faktum at ytringsfriheten står sterkt i USA, og at å prøve å lukke munnen på frafalne således er brudd på grunnloven.

«When a religious leader of his standing opens up his mouth and spews this kind of ignorance and hateful statements, it does put his greater judgment into question,» said Fred Sainz, a spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay-rights group.

Adhami also notes that if a Muslim leaves the faith and «preaches their views, they’re jailed.»

«The only thing you do not have the right to do is spread this conviction, lest you, quote unquote, ‘pollute’ others,» he said when asked to give his personal opinion about apostates.

Jordan Sekulow, a lawyer at the Pat Robertson-founded American Center for Law and Justice in Washington, questioned why the mosque project, called Park51, would choose a leader who advocates retribution for those who leave the faith.

«To be in the United States of America and to tell former Muslims to ‘keep your mouth shut’ is against the Constitution,» said Sekulow, whose organization is suing to stop Park51 from being built.

Adhami mener selv han er direkte etterkommer av Muhammed. Ledelsen ved moskeen prøver nå å distansere seg fra Adhami. Han er ikke imamen deres, men en rådgiver.

Adhami, 44, who was born in Washington and says that he began his Islamic studies in Syria at age 8, claims to be descended from «the noble lineage of the family of the Prophet Muhammad.»

The organizers of the mosque sought yesterday to distance themselves from Adhami’s comments and backpedal on his role in the $100 million project.

The Park51 organization announced earlier this month that he was a «senior adviser» to the effort. But the Park51 organizers posted on Twitter that Adhami is only an «adviser» and that his views do not reflect those of the project.

Her er noen andre sitat fra Adhami:

“An enormously overwhelming percentage of people struggle with homosexual feeling because of some form of violent emotional or sexual abuse at some point in their life.”

“A small, tiny percentage of people are born with a natural inclination that they cannot explain. You find this in the animal kingdom at some level as well.”

“If you look over the Koran from cover to cover, you literally have the right to reject God’s message. The only thing you do not have the right to do is spread this conviction, lest you, quote-unquote, ‘pollute’ others.”

“If someone leaves the din, leaves the path privately, they cannot be touched. If someone preaches about apostasy or preaches their views, they’re jailed . . . Many jurists have said they have to be killed.”