Æresdrap og æresrelatert vold

Drept for hijab-nekt

Tirsdag morgen våknet Canada til et rystende drap. Ei jente på 16 år ble drept av faren fordi hun nektet å ikle seg hijab. Konflikten mellom jenta og faren hadde pågått over lengre tid. Jenta, som hette Aqsa Parvez, lot faren få delvis viljen i konflikten om hijab: hun forlot hjemmet ikledd hijab, fjernet det på skolebussen, og kledde på seg jeans når hun kom frem til skolen. I det siste hadde hun i perioder bodd hos venner fordi faren prøvde å tvinge henne bort fra full deltakelse i canadiske frihetsverdier. Aqsa sine venninner forteller om ei livsglad og intelligent jente, som hadde et stort ønske om å få familiens aksept for å leve et liv etter eget valg og canadiske normer.

Faren til Aqsa Parvez, Muhammad Parvez (57) av pakistansk opprinnelse, ringte selv politiet og fortalte at han hadde drept datteren. Men Aqsa var fremdeles i liv da ambulansen fraktet henne til sykehus, der hun døde etter noen timer. Politiet har arrestert Muhammad Parvez for drapet, og Aqsa sin bror, Waqaz (26) for å ha hindret politiets etterforskning. Aqas venner forteller og dyptgående konflikter mellom særlig far, bror og Aqas:

Those who know the victim are sure it centered around a rebellious young girl and a battle over tradition and the modern world. Friends claim the teen was desperately trying to pull away from the strict tenets of her devout Muslim family and lived in fear of her father.

«Every single time, we’d get off the school bus she would always want me to walk her halfway home because she was paranoid her dad or brother would follow her home,» remembers her good friend Ashley Garbutt. «She used to walk the rest of the way home. I stopped for a little while and after, I kept continuing because I understood it was a serious matter. And then after, I was expecting her to come to school on Monday and everything was going to be fine.»

But as students at the school discovered when the announcement of their friends’ death came over the PA system on Tuesday, nothing was.

Her friends tell of a troubled family life, with the teen refusing to wear the traditional head covering hijab, and preferring more Western-style clothing.

«She wanted to be her own person,» Garbutt adds. «She wanted to show who she really was. She wanted to show her own beauty. But he wanted her … to wear Pakistani clothing, wearing the hijab and everything, but she didn’t want to do that.»

Aqas hadde delvis flytte hjemmefra da hun ble drept:

Apparently Aqsa moved out of the family home and was staying with a friend at the time of her death. There is speculation she may have only gone back to the residence to get some belongings. It would prove to be a fatal decision.

«She’s kind of rebellious a bit,» confirms classmate Heather Bottecher. «She’s supposed to wear the hijab. But she doesn’t usually wear it. And she usually wears short sleeves when you’re supposed to wear long sleeves. And she wears, like, low cut shirts and stuff like that.»

Aqas sin klesstil hadde endret seg den senere tiden.

«We noticed a drastic change in her appearance,» another friend, Shianne Phillips, recalls. «Like, she used to dress religiously. Now she’s dressing in, like, more causal clothing, like other people.» There are reports the teen would wear the special garb to school then change when she got there to fool her father.

Les hele artikkelen hos CityNews der det også er et fjernsynsinnslag med intervju av Aqas sine fortvilte og sjokkerte venner.