
-Vesten er i krig med Islam

Nå har hun sagt det igjen: I en tale hun holdt i Westminister, tirsdag i forrige uke, gjentok Ayaan Hirsi Ali den sjokkerende uttalelsen om at Vesten er i krig med islam; ikke radikal islamisme, men islam. Ikke fordi vi har erklært islam krig, men fordi islam har erklært krig mot oss. I et lengre TV-intervju forklarer hun på en presis måte hva hun mener.

I den etterhvert legendariske artikkelen The Trouble Is the West: Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Islam, immigration, civil liberties, and the fate of the West, avviser Ayaan Hirsi Ali at islam bærer i seg potensial til å reformeres på en slik måte at religionen bringes i overensstemmelse med demokrati, frihet og FNs menneskerettigheter. Disse verdiene kan kun realiseres på tross av islam, mener hun. Faktisk hevder Hirsi Ali at en humanitær, sosial reform i den muslimske befolkningen verden over forutsetter islams fall, at islam mister sin kraft som organiserende prinsipp for politisk og sosialt liv.

Her er et utdrag fra ovennevnte, meget omstridte intervju i tidsskriftet Reason:

Reason: Should we acknowledge that organized religion has sometimes sparked precisely the kinds of emancipation movements that could lift Islam into modern times? Slavery in the United States ended in part because of opposition by prominent church members and the communities they galvanized. The Polish Catholic Church helped defeat the Jaruzelski puppet regime. Do you think Islam could bring about similar social and political changes?

Hirsi Ali: Only if Islam is defeated. Because right now, the political side of Islam, the power-hungry expansionist side of Islam, has become superior to the Sufis and the Ismailis and the peace-seeking Muslims.

Reason: Don’t you mean defeating radical Islam?

Hirsi Ali: No. Islam, period. Once it’s defeated, it can mutate into something peaceful. It’s very difficult to even talk about peace now. They’re not interested in peace.

Reason: We have to crush the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims under our boot? In concrete terms, what does that mean, “defeat Islam”?

Hirsi Ali: I think that we are at war with Islam. And there’s no middle ground in wars. Islam can be defeated in many ways. For starters, you stop the spread of the ideology itself; at present, there are native Westerners converting to Islam, and they’re the most fanatical sometimes. There is infiltration of Islam in the schools and universities of the West. You stop that. You stop the symbol burning and the effigy burning, and you look them in the eye and flex your muscles and you say, “This is a warning. We won’t accept this anymore.” There comes a moment when you crush your enemy.

Reason: Militarily?

Hirsi Ali: In all forms, and if you don’t do that, then you have to live with the consequence of being crushed.

Reason: Are we really heading toward anything so ominous?

Hirsi Ali: I think that’s where we’re heading. We’re heading there because the West has been in denial for a long time. It did not respond to the signals that were smaller and easier to take care of. Now we have some choices to make. This is a dilemma: Western civilization is a celebration of life—everybody’s life, even your enemy’s life. So how can you be true to that morality and at the same time defend yourself against a very powerful enemy that seeks to destroy you?

Reason: George Bush, not the most conciliatory person in the world, has said on plenty of occasions that we are not at war with Islam.

Hirsi Ali: If the most powerful man in the West talks like that, then, without intending to, he’s making radical Muslims think they’ve already won. There is no moderate Islam. There are Muslims who are passive, who don’t all follow the rules of Islam, but there’s really only one Islam, defined as submission to the will of God. There’s nothing moderate about it.

Reason: So when even a hard-line critic of Islam such as Daniel Pipes says, “Radical Islam is the problem, but moderate Islam is the solution,” he’s wrong?

Hirsi Ali: He’s wrong. Sorry about that.

Nå har hun altså sagt det igjen. Tirsdag 20. november talte hun i Westminister under et møte i regi av Centre for Social Cohesion, og uttalte:

We are not at war with “terror”, that would make no sense.[ … ]Terror is just a tactic used by Islam. We are actually at war, not just with Islamism, but with Islam itself.

Hele talen, der hun begrunner sitt standpunkt i inngående detalj, kan høres på mp.3-fil. Hirsi Ali skiller mellom islam og muslimer — ikke alle muslimer følger islams instruksjoner — men hun nekter å skille mellom islam og islamisme. Islamisme, i betydningen politisk islam, er presis hva koranen og sunna foreskriver som sann religion, hevder hun. I dette lydopptaket kan man også høre ex-ekstremist Ed Husain, forfatter av The Islamist, som forfekter det syn at islam egentlig er fredelig.

I et ferskt intervju med britiske Spectator utdyper Hirsi Ali litt nærmere hva hun mente i talen i Westminster:

Well, you say that Islam is a violent religion, because the Prophet advocated violence. But isn’t that open to interpretation? I ask. Karen Armstrong, (a non-Muslim biographer of Mohammed) has said the Prophet was a loving man who’d have been horrified at 9/11.

Karen Armstrong is ridiculous,’ says Hirsi Ali in her quick, light voice — Africa still audible in the clipped consonants. ‘The Prophet would have not have disapproved of 9/11, because it was carried out in his example. When he came to Medina, the Prophet had a revelation, of jihad. After that, it became an obligation for Muslims to convert others, and to establish an Islamic state, by the sword if necessary.’

But there is such a thing as moderate Islam, I say. Muslims aren’t all terrorists. There are some like Ed Husain (author of The Islamist) who argue that there are many peaceful traditions of Koranic scholarship to choose from. Isn’t it a mistake to dismiss this gentler, acceptable branch of Islam?

I find the word “moderate” very misleading.’ There’s a touch of steel in Hirsi Ali’s voice. ‘I don’t believe there is such a thing as “moderate Islam”. I think it’s better to talk about degrees of belief and degrees of practice. The Koran is quite clear that it should control every area of life. If a Muslim chooses to obey only some of the Prophet’s commandments, he is only a partial Muslim. If he is a good Muslim, he will wish to establish Sharia law.’

Dessuten, i et eldre (mindre kjent?) intervju med Clive Crook, redaktør i The Atlantic – holdt under konferansen Aspen Ideas Festival, i juli i år, i regi av Aspen Institute – forklarer Hirsi Ali på en ganske inngående og presis måte hva hun mener når hun hevder at det er selve ideologien islam, ikke bare islamsk terror, som utgjør selve problemet. Se intervjuet formidlet fra FORA.TV:
Ayaan Hirsi Ali i intervju med Clive Crook, Aspen Ideas festival, 6. juli 2007